2015 - 2019 Ph.D., Human Computer Interaction
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
2011 - 2014 M.Eng., Interactive Media Design
Zhejiang University
2006 - 2011 B.A., Fine Arts
Zhejiang University
2022 - present. Lecturer in Digital Creativity (UX Design), School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University.
2021 - present. Visiting Fellow, Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, Bournemouth University.
2021 - 2022. Lecturer in Emerging Technology and Subject Lead for MDes Future Heritage Design, Innovation School, Glasgow School of Art.
2021. Research Fellow in Participatory Research Communication Design, School of Design, University of Leeds.
2019 - 2021. Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital Archaeology and Heritage, Virtual Heritage Group, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Bournemouth University.
2020 - 2021. Research Representative SciTech of Research Staff Association (RSA), Bournemouth University.
2012 - 2014. Research Assistant, International Design Institute (IDI) of Zhejiang University.
Research methods: Speculative Design, Design Fiction, Co-design, Participatory design, Ethnography, Design Ethnography, Video Ethnography.
Design skills: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe XD, Axure, Sketch.
Programming skills: HTML/CSS, JavaScript.
Art skills: Chinese Traditional Calligraphy, Painting, Seal carving.
2020 - Supervisor Training for New Supervisors, Bournemouth University.
2012 - Adobe Certified Designer Video Post.