The Power of Live Stream Commerce: A Case Study of How Live Stream Commerce Can Be Utilised in the Traditional British Retailing Sector. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 2022; 8(2):71. (pdf)
An Innovative Reflection Based on Critically Applying UX Design Principles. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 2021; 7(2):129. (pdf)
An Investigation of what Factors Determine the Way in which Customer Satisfaction Is Increased through Omni-Channel Marketing in Retail. Administrative Sciences. 2020; 10(4):85. (pdf)
Supporting the Cross-cultural Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Puppetry through a Digital Gesture Library. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH). 2019; 12(4):28. (pdf)
An Analysis of Interactive Technology’s Effect on the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Painting: A Review of Case Studies. The International Journal of New Media, Technology, and the Arts. 2019; 14(3):12. (pdf)
Cross-Cultural Understanding of Chinese Traditional Puppetry: Integrating Digital Technology to Enhance Audience Engagement. The International Journal of Intangible Heritage. 2019; 14:139-154. (pdf)
Exploring How Interactive Technology Enhances Gesture-Based Expression and Engagement: A Design Study. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2019; 3(1):13. (pdf)
Enhancing the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Painting Using Interactive Technology. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2018; 2(2):16. (pdf)
Book Chapter & Conference
Software Design and Development of an Appointment Booking System: A Design Study. In: Ur Rehman M., Zoha A. (eds) Body Area Networks. Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health Management. BODYNETS 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 420. Springer, Cham. (pdf)
A Storytelling Method Reflection: Demonstrating and Sharing Immigrant Heritage Through an SPS Strategy During COVID-19. In: Kárpáti A., Sarantou M. (eds) Arts-based Social Interventions: First Results of the AMASS Testbed (Version 1). First AMASS Symposium. Zenodo, 2021. University of Lapland. (pdf)
A Methodological Reflection: Deconstructing Cultural Elements for Enhancing Cross- cultural Appreciation of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage. In: Rauterberg M. (eds) Culture and Computing. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12215. Springer, Cham. (pdf)
An Analysis of How Interactive Technology Supports the Appreciation of Traditional Chinese Puppetry: A Review of Case Studies. In: Brooks A., Brooks E. (eds) Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. ArtsIT 2019, DLI 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 328. Springer, Cham. (pdf)
Using Interactive Digital Media to Support Transcultural Understanding of Intangible Chinese Cultural Heritage. CHI Workshop Paper ‘Involving the Crowd in future Museum experience design’, May 2016. (pdf)
Ph.D Thesis
Designing Interactive Technology for Cross-cultural Appreciation of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Chinese Traditional Painting and Puppetry. Newcastle University. (pdf)